Old Habits Die Hard

Now, I must admit.  It is weird to live in a house that you used to live in and it feel so different.  Our dining room is the same, we’ve changed the den and guest room, and our bedroom is finally complete!  I’ll take some pictures for the handful of you dying to see!

It’s been funny to watch Jackson get reacquainted with the space.  As you remember, he is our yellow lab I inherited with marriage.  He’s slowly and surely growing on me.  It’s like he kind of remembers where everything is in the house but second guesses himself all the time.  He runs past doors, goes in the guest room looking for his kennel when it’s in the bathroom right now (we were waiting for the new hardwoods to dry so we put his kennel in the bathroom since it’s stone), you get the idea.  Since there have been so many construction people in and out of our house for months there are all these little scent rabbit trails I can tell he picks up on.  He will walk to the kitchen then immediately turn around and head somewhere else in the house hot on the trail, then it just stops and he looks confused.  But there is one thing he didn’t forget: Our Saturday Morning Routine.

Husband usually gets up Saturdays to go to the shooting range; he lets Jackson out to run around and then leaves him in our room with the door shut when he leaves.  I am obviously still asleep w hen all of this happens because I hate mornings.  Jackson usually then curls himself up in a ball by my side of the bed on the floor until I wake up a bit (ah hem, few hours) later.  I cannot tell you how many times I have woken up and stepped on him getting out of bed.

Well this past Saturday morning, our first back in the house, I woke up, looked down and saw this:

It was like we had never even left.  For a few seconds I kind of forgot the past 4 months.  It felt like the Twilight Zone.  In those few seconds this loud, messy, hyper, sock-eating, fence-jumping fur ball was telling me that we have made it through the deep waters.  Things may be a bit chaotic still, but we are all gonna be just fine and I’m gonna get my groove back, one Saturday morning at a time.

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